SimpleSpa Documentation Current release v4.993

The dashboard is an overview showing a collection of your appointments, transactions, receipts for a selected day. If your business receives online appointments those are shown on the top, marked as 'online' appointments which you should confirm. On the left you will see Expected Appointment Arrivals On the right there you can quickly see Unconfirmed and Canceled appointments

Each appointment that shows in a list is clickable and you can view details, edit the appointment, view transactions and even process payments directly from the dashboard for the appointment clicked

On the bottom right you will notice two boxes depicting receipts/transactions and revenue, in green revenue box clicking on the will show you a list of all the receipts made for the current selected date on the dashboard


Each receipt has a unique permalink, which can be used to share to anyone without needing to login to SimpleSpa to view it, clicking on the icon will bring up a prompt with a permalink that you can copy and then share. Permalinks can be found in the View Receipts for any receipt next to the print buttons, directly from an Appointment Popup > Transactions Tab, and also in the clients page by selecting a Client > Transactions tab

Editing Transaction

For each receipt line, a few buttons are available adjust the completed receipt:

  • Payment Type: Clicking the discrete payment type icon will allow you to edit the first payment type can be updated from the payment method that was used, i.e. if checked out via Check, you can change the payment method to Cash quickly by clicking on this icon where popup will give you the option to change to a different method of payment that was used.
  • Refund: A receipt can be refunded in full, this will create a void refund receipt. For merchants using Integrated Payment Terminals the refund can be sent to the terminal (note that some terminals may require the physical card used to be entered again, manually or entered via the chip reader for the refund to be completed)
  • Edit: Receipts can be edited up to the following values, assigning a Staff, the Staff Commission & Staff Tip for each line item sold. Tips are limited to the total allocated tip on the receipt which has not been allocated to another staff.

If you would like to make a sale without an appointment, simply click on the button, the POS window will appear, select the primary payment method used on top and then you will have to set a client, and select at least 1 service, product, gift card or package in order to complete a sale. If you have connected your SimpleSpa account with a credit card processor please read here how credit cards are processed with SimpleSpa

If clients have birthdays on a selected dashboard day you will see an info box on next to receipts showing the number of birthdays and a button to view all your clients with birthdays that day