SimpleSpa Documentation Current release v4.993

With SimpleSpa you can make multiple marketing campaigns and target your clients according to certain criteria

Viewing your Campaigns

When navigating to the marketing section in SimpleSpa

SimpleSpa allows you to filter and create a new campaign to target clients based on specific criteria, you have the option to export your clients when filtering here and also directly prepare your SMS and Email campaigns accordingly


We have a series of criteria that you can filter out your clients based on when their last visit was, their spending, birthday, service booked and gender. Once you have selected the criteria you want, you can then filter the results and you will see a list of all the targeted clients, and in detail bellow you will see how many you can target via SMS and how many clients can be targeted via Email.

Exporting Clients

After creating a filter, the data can be exported per viewable page, click the one of the helper buttons to export a spreadsheet file, copy the data to be pasted in an editor. To export a larger data-set please expand the "Show 25 Rows" to "Show 1000 Rows" where you can export 1000 rows per page, you will need to navigate to each page to export the results respectively

Preparing your SMS/Text

In this section you can add all the text you would like your SMS to display to your clients, this is limited to 140 characters per message to accommodate for longer client names *Text/SMS Marketing is quoted according to the targeting criteria, and is not included in the SMS appointment notification plan you may have subscribed to

Preparing your Email

With SimpleSpa's marketing tools you can design your campaigns email with our rich text editor, and format it according to your preferences *Email Marketing is quoted according to the targeting criteria, and is not included in the plan you have subscribed to

Once you have prepared your campaign you will be able to submit it to SimpleSpa for a quote and approval, the turnaround is around 24h-48h during normal business hours (excluding weekends)

In the event that you cannot submit an image campaign using the marketing tools you can manually prepare and send your image to SimpleSpa support email immediately after your campaign has been submitted, include the following in the email:

  • Subject: Subject of the campaign submitted
  • Media: Image or PDF compressed in a web optimized format (PNG/JPG/PDF) less than 5mb in size
Once the above is received the above media will be included in your submitted campaign, and a quote for your campaign to be sent out will be sent to you within 24-48h.
Important Note: targeting is limited to clients that have not opted out from marketing and have had a scheduled appointment in your SimpleSpa account, marketing requests sent via email are immediately rejected.