SimpleSpa Documentation Current release v4.993

SimpleSpa allows you to easily add and manage your existing staff/provider. Each staff/provider will have their own distinct column in the Appointments page, which will allow quick bookings

When adding a staff, you can set their information in the system, including their working slots, and flat rate commissions along with their hourly service rate, you can toggle preferences including if they will receive appointment notifications, to set their visibility online, and to hide their calendar from showing in the Appointments page.

Adding Staff

Hit the Add Staff button, and you will be able to set the general settings for this provider

Editing Staff

If the staff/provider has been added and is visible in the list of staff/providers, click on the pencil button to edit the staff, where you will be able to edit any of the following fields

SimpleSpa allows you to customize various settings for each staff/provider including:

Staff Image/Icon

You can click on the person icon on the top which will bring up a file picker so you can upload the staff/providers image or an icon

General contact information

Here you can add the staff/providers contact information, this information is only visible within your business and does not display in the online booking page besides the staff name (if staff selection is enabled in the online booking options)

Working Slots

Set the days and hours the staff/provider will be working, to copy the Monday Hours press the button, to copy the Business Location hours press the button


Service Flat rate percentage of the commission for all services sold using the POS, setting this will be effective for transactions occurring after this has been set
Product Flat rate percentage of the commission for all products sold using the POS, setting this will be effective for transactions occurring after this has been set
Hourly Rate Used for calculating Clock In/Out cost and the cost of actual service time


Can Login If the provider has an email on file, this checkbox will appear - toggling it on will send a welcome email and the staff will be granted staff access to SimpleSpa to view their own schedule, if Can Login has already been set a new user will be created in the users page with the staff/providers email, you can manage and manually reset their password at any time
Appointment Notifications Based on the Email, and Mobile number SimpleSpa will send notifications
Show Online Show the staff to be bookable online
Hide Calendar Hide the staff from the visible Appointments calendar
Color Code Set a custom color for the providers scheduled appointments, this will show as a discrete colored bar in each appointment along with status color codes

You can add an external calendar to SimpleSpa, press the Calendar button, and you can add the url for your public calendar link; For Google Calendar, you can use the Secret address in iCal format in the Settings and sharing options of the specific calendar. Appointments from the third party provider will show up as blocks in SimpleSpa.

Commissions are generally assigned universally for all services/products in the main tab; nevertheless if commission varies by service category you can set the percentage per service category from the Commissions Tab. Note that commissions are calculated and applied before tax, after any discounts. Commissions will be calculated/assigned when Gift Certificates are redeemed.

Note that when changing commission values, this will apply for future sales and not for already completed transactions.


Set a custom weekly schedule for any week by selecting the week, and then setting the days and time availability for that selected week, press the Save button to override the general calendar

The quickest way to block out hours in a day is to create a block see Creating a Block. Alternatively a custom weekly schedule can be setup with a different daily schedule for any given day (see Weekly Schedule Tab).

Set a fixed break by selecting the date/hours, note that setting a break will remove the respective online availability during that set time. Breaks can also be accommodated in the appointments page by creating a Block

Quickly refer to the Clock In/Out hours for any date selected, Administrators and Managers have the ability to override the hours set by pressing the pencil button next to the hours. To add a new set of Clock In/Out hours press the ADD CLOCK IN/OUT button which will make a new default entry that can be edited to any time.

Staff can clock in/out from SimpleSpa using their own credentials from the dashboard. Staff should be first created and then provided user level access (toggle the Can Login option to grant staff access to SimpleSpa). On the top right area there will be a clock button once clicked the staff that is logged in can Clock In or Out of the system. If Staff has clocked in, there will be an option to clock out, and then sequentially staff can also clock back in again to accommodate for any breaks during the day.

If required Administrator and Manager level users have access to override hours recorded by staff in the staff settings from the staff page.

In the main Staff page, you can easily assign the staff specialties per category by pressing the magic wand button from the popup you can add or remove service categories that the staff provides. Adding service categories/specialties will change availability for the staff/provider online. Staff that has assigned a category will be bookable also online for the services within that service category. Staff that is not assigned with a category will not be bookable online for services in that category.